Background Of The Study
Education is one of the tools that may be used to deal with the issues that will be faced in the 21st century. Prior to the turn of the 21st century, education systems all over the world were primarily centered on the transmission of information and the acquisition of knowledge by students. In the latter part of the 20th century and the early part of the 21st century, the economy and the technology of the society went through significant shifts. After the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik in 1957, there was a scientific revolution that took place all across the world (Melzer & Otero, 2015). After that, countries like the United States of America (USA), Britain, and others reevaluated the instruction of their science curricula and the techniques they use to teach science (Ojimba, 2013). These reforms were implemented in the United States with the intention of ensuring that the traditional instructional methods, which failed to adequately prepare its citizens in science and technology, were changed to methods that were learner centered and took into account the construction of knowledge.
In 1981, the United States Secretary of Education established a panel to investigate the level of education provided throughout the nation (Mintzes & Wandersee, 1998). A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform was the title of the report that the panel put out (1983). The utilization of effective instructional methods that encourage critical thinking and creativity among young people was found to be one of the most important findings. This result led to the recommendation that education reform should emphasize on creating a learning society.
Several studies have demonstrated that teachers in Africa have adopted a wide array of instructional strategies in order to boost the academic accomplishments of their pupils. For example, in order to address the consistent low performance of secondary school students in South Africa, initiatives have been put into place to improve the quality of education. These initiatives include prioritizing teacher training and development in instructional strategies that promote high order thinking among the students, involving stake holders in education planning, and reviewing education policy.
The Nigerian government has, in a variety of different ways, promoted education and training as one of the ways to achieve its goal of transforming the nation into a newly industrializing, middle income country that provides a life of high quality to all of its citizens in an environment that is clean and secure (Okafor, 2013). In order to accomplish this goal, the secondary education curriculum has shifted its focus to place a greater emphasis on education that is more scientific, technical, and hands-on. Biology is one of the science subjects that are taught in secondary schools across Nigeria according to the country's curriculum. The goal of the study of biology is to provide the learner with the knowledge, skills, and mindset that are essential for enabling the learner to protect and conserve the environment, to regulate population, to fight illnesses, and to increase food supply. Students who study biology also improve their chances of finding employment in fields such as education, health care, agriculture, and the environment. It is the obligation of the government and the many other stakeholders in education to provide schools with the necessary infrastructure, as well as instructional resources and a curriculum that is effective. Schools have also been given the responsibility of ensuring that classrooms have been outfitted with instruction facilities and resources, that there is a conducive teaching and learning environment, that there is participation in extracurricular activities, and that effective learning is taking place.
The scientific revolution that is occurring right now is being molded by developments in both science and technology. One of the primary objectives of science education is to develop the student into a person who is capable of competing successfully on a global scale. Learners should thus cultivate the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will enable them to take on the challenges presented by the 21st century. Students create their own knowledge of scientific topics through the application of a constructivist instructional approach that is currently being adopted in science classrooms. The learning cycles known as 3E, 5E, and 7E are all considered to be constructivist techniques. The 7E Learning Cycle Model (7E LCM) places an emphasis on eliciting students' prior knowledge and transfer of learning, both of which are necessary components in the education of science. Numerous research in the field of science teaching have revealed that 7E LCM has beneficial impacts on students' achievement and skills. Students that were instructed utilizing the 7E Cycle Model gained a superior understanding of scientific ideas and retained them for longer (Gok, 2014). According to the findings of the science that was carried out by Shaheen and Kayani (2015), the experimental group had superior problem-solving skills in comparison to the control group. Students who were taught using approaches that were centered on the teacher had lower post-test results than those who were taught using 7E LCM (Shaheen & Kayani, 2015). The majority of the research that is currently available on the influence that 7E LCM has on students' academic achievement has been conducted in different regions of the world. As a direct consequence of this fact, the intention behind this study was to carry it out in Nigeria. As a result, the purpose of this study was to explore the influence of 7E LCM as a possible solution that might increase students' ability to acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes related to Biology in Nigeria.
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